
fun Overlay(context: Context, orientation: Orientation? = Orientation.PORTRAIT)

Used to create an Overlay programmatically (do not use the other constructor Overlay(context, attributeSet) - it is for use by the Android framework when inflating an Overlay via XML). This constructor keeps all optional properties of an Overlay at their default values, though you can always change these values after instantiation by using the appropriate setter methods (with the exception of orientation, which cannot be changed after instantiation).

See documentation for an exhaustive list of all optional properties and their default values.

Please review the Notes documented at the top of the class for guidelines and limitations when using Overlay.

fun Overlay(context: Context, attributeSet: AttributeSet)

Called by the system when creating an Overlay via XML (don't call this directly). To create an Overlay programmatically, use the Overlay(context, orientation) constructor.