The design and behavior of a Floating Action Button which can animate and expand to show optional FabOptions when clicked. It's the focal point for the ExpandableFab widget's functionality, from an end-user's perspective.
Developer Notes:
Layout_width and layout_height should be set to wrap_content, unless you're setting custom dimensions.
ExpandableFabs must be defined within an ExpandableFabLayout to function properly.
label.labelText must be non-null for the optional label to show and other label properties to take effect.
Implementation Notes:
Since the Kotlin 'internal' modifier translates to 'public' in Java, the JvmSynthetic annotation is used on those functions and properties to hide them from the published API for Java clients. A proper solution to this issue would be a package-private visibility modifier, but Kotlin has yet to implement it (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-29227). Until then, the JvmSynthetic annotations should remain in order to present the proper published API to both Java & Kotlin clients.
Used to create an ExpandableFab programmatically (do not use the other constructor ExpandableFab(context, attributeSet) - it is for use by the Android framework when inflating an ExpandableFab via XML). This constructor keeps all optional properties of an ExpandableFab and its optional label at their default values, though you can always change these values after instantiation by using the appropriate setter methods (with the exception of orientation, which cannot be changed after instantiation).
Called by the system when creating an ExpandableFab via XML (don't call this directly). To create an ExpandableFab programmatically, use the ExpandableFab(context, orientation) constructor.
Registers a callback to be invoked when this ExpandableFab or its label is clicked. The default behavior the ExpandableFab will be executed before this custom callback.
Sets the size of the ExpandableFab. Overridden to ensure we never set the size to be FabSize.CUSTOM.
The tension (as a positive float) applied on the ExpandableFab's icon to mimic an AnticipateInterpolator when it's playing its closing animations. An AnticipateInterpolator allows us to have a closing animation where the ExpandableFab's icon will begin rotating slightly backwards, before smoothly rotating forward to its default 0 degree rotation. Every multiple of 10f will be a full 360 degree rotation backwards. Default value is 2f.
The size of this ExpandableFab (NOT its FabOptions. For that, see property fabOptionSize). Must be FabSize.MINI, FabSize.NORMAL, FabSize.AUTO or FabSize.CUSTOM. FabSize.CUSTOM should be used when you're setting the size of the ExpandableFab's layout_width and layout_height to a custom value manually (when using CUSTOM, make sure to also set app:fabCustomSize equal to your custom layout_width/layout_height size and app:maxImageSize equal to your icon size in order to ensure your icon is centered properly). Default value is FabSize.NORMAL.
How each FabOption in this orientation will be positioned relative to the previous FabOption. Default value is FabOptionPosition.ABOVE.
The size of each FabOption in this orientation (NOT the size of the ExpandableFab. For that, see property efabSize). Must be FabSize.MINI, FabSize.NORMAL, FabSize.AUTO or FabSize.CUSTOM. FabSize.CUSTOM should be used when you're setting the size of the FabOptions' layout_width and layout_height to a custom value manually (when using CUSTOM, make sure to also set app:fabCustomSize equal to your custom layout_width/layout_height size and app:maxImageSize equal to your icon size in order to ensure your icon is centered properly). Default value is FabSize.MINI.
The margin (in pixels as a positive float) between the first FabOption in this orientation and the ExpandableFab itself. Depending on the size you set for the ExpandableFab, you may want this margin to be different than successiveFabOptionMarginPx. Default value is 80f.
The Orientation this ExpandableFab is viewable in. Default value is Orientation.PORTRAIT.
The margin (in pixels as a positive float) between successive FabOptions in this ExpandableFab orientation. See firstFabOptionMarginPx if trying to set the margin between the first FabOption in this orientation and the ExpandableFab itself. Default value is 75f.