library / com.nambimobile.widgets.efab / ExpandableFabLayout / getCurrentConfiguration


fun getCurrentConfiguration(): OrientationConfiguration

Returns the OrientationConfiguration showing for the current screen orientation. An OrientationConfiguration is just a holder for all the views of an ExpandableFab widget in a specific Orientation.

Should only be called after you have added the views to an ExpandableFabLayout programmatically via the addView methods, or declared them within an ExpandableFabLayout via XML. Otherwise, the views contained may be null for references or empty for lists.

Although the portraitConfiguration and landscapeConfiguration properties are both exposed publicly for clients to obtain directly, this method allows you to retrieve the correct set of views without first knowing what screen orientation the device is currently in.

Note: This method will automatically take into account orientations with no configuration set. That is, if you only set a portrait configuration, then this method will pass back that configuration even if the device is currently in landscape. You don't have to worry about being given an OrientationConfiguration for an orientation that you did not set.