- setClosingAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- setClosingAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.FabOption
- setClosingAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Overlay
- setClosingAnticipateTension(Float) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- setEfabColor(Integer) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- setEfabEnabled(Boolean) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- setEfabIcon(Drawable) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- setEfabSize(FabSize) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- setExpandableFabClosingAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFabLayout
- The duration (in milliseconds as a positive long) of the closing animations for ALL the ExpandableFabs inside of this ExpandableFabLayout.
- setExpandableFabOpeningAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFabLayout
- The duration (in milliseconds as a positive long) of the opening animations for ALL the ExpandableFabs inside of this ExpandableFabLayout.
- setFabOptionClosingAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFabLayout
- The duration (in milliseconds as a positive long) of the closing animations for ALL the FabOptions inside of this ExpandableFabLayout.
- setFabOptionColor(Integer) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.FabOption
- setFabOptionEnabled(Boolean) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.FabOption
- setFabOptionIcon(Drawable) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.FabOption
- setFabOptionOpeningAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFabLayout
- The duration (in milliseconds as a positive long) of the opening animations for ALL the FabOptions inside of this ExpandableFabLayout.
- setFabOptionPosition(FabOptionPosition) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- How each FabOption in this orientation will be positioned relative to the previous FabOption.
- setFabOptionSize(FabSize) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- The size of each FabOption in this orientation (NOT the size of the ExpandableFab.
- setFirstFabOptionMarginPx(Float) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- setHiddenToVisibleAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Label
- setIconAnimationRotationDeg(Float) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- A float, in degrees, representing how much the ExpandableFab's icon will rotate when animating.
- setLabelBackgroundColor(Integer) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Label
- setLabelElevation(Integer) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Label
- setLabelFont(Typeface) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Label
- setLabelHiddenToVisibleAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFabLayout
- The duration (in milliseconds as a positive long) of the hidden to visible state animations for ALL the Labels inside of this ExpandableFabLayout.
- setLabelText(CharSequence) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Label
- setLabelTextColor(Integer) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Label
- setLabelTextSize(Float) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Label
- setLabelVisibleToHiddenAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFabLayout
- The duration (in milliseconds as a positive long) of the visible to hidden state animations for ALL the Labels inside of this ExpandableFabLayout.
- setLandscapeConfiguration(OrientationConfiguration) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFabLayout
- setMarginPx(Float) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Label
- setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- Registers a callback to be invoked when this ExpandableFab or its label is clicked.
- setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.FabOption
- Registers a callback to be invoked when this FabOption or its label is clicked.
- setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Overlay
- Registers a callback to be invoked when this Overlay is clicked.
- setOpeningAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- setOpeningAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.FabOption
- setOpeningAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Overlay
- setOpeningOvershootTension(Float) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.FabOption
- setOrientation(Orientation) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- setOrientation(Orientation) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.FabOption
- setOrientation(Orientation) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Overlay
- setOverlayAlpha(Float) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Overlay
- setOverlayClosingAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFabLayout
- The duration (in milliseconds as a positive long) of the closing animations for ALL the Overlays inside of this ExpandableFabLayout.
- setOverlayColor(Integer) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Overlay
- setOverlayOpeningAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFabLayout
- The duration (in milliseconds as a positive long) of the opening animations for ALL the Overlays inside of this ExpandableFabLayout.
- setOvershootTension(Float) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Label
- setPortraitConfiguration(OrientationConfiguration) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFabLayout
- setPosition(LabelPosition) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Label
- The Label's LabelPosition, in relation to the view it's attached to.
- setSize(Integer) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- Sets the size of the ExpandableFab.
- setSize(Integer) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.FabOption
- Sets the size of the FabOption.
- setSuccessiveFabOptionMarginPx(Float) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- setTranslationXPx(Float) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Label
- The distance (in pixels as a float) the Label will travel horizontally during animations.
- setVisibleToHiddenAnimationDurationMs(Long) - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.Label
- show() - function in com.nambimobile.widgets.efab.ExpandableFab
- Shows the ExpandableFab and optional label.